Tag: boycott

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Politics professors explain history of Olympics, discuss Biden’s choice to boycott

Politics professors explain history of Olympics, discuss Biden’s choice to boycott

The Biden Administration’s decision to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics demonstrates that America’s governing elites are “the biggest bunch of fools and knaves ever brought together in history,” Associate Professor of Politics John Grant said in a Feb. 3 lecture.  The Alexander Hamilton Society hosted a discussion between Grant and Professor of History Paul Rahe...

Boycott the Olympics

Boycott the Olympics

“Faster, higher, stronger…together” is the motto and driving force behind every Olympian and every country they represent. The Olympics has always been an event that allows countries to send their best athletes to compete on the world stage. For the host country, it is a source of international prestige and honor. During the 2020 Tokyo...


No more Nike in the bookstore

Nike has been accused by Congress of profiting off the forced slave labor of the Uyghur Muslims in Communist-run China. Despite the company’s horrific business practices, the Hillsdale College Bookstore still sells Nike quarter-zips and hats—but it should stop. Nike is a major influence on American culture. Recently, the company’s influence has expanded into politics. ...