Hillsdale County Senior Services to host community event

Hillsdale County Senior Services to host community event

Hillsdale County Senior Services Center hosted a music night event in February. Courtesy | Facebook

Hillsdale County Senior Services Center will host its March Medley event open to the public on Friday, March 1.

The event will take place at Perennial Park Senior Center from 1 to 5 p.m. and will feature a variety of activities.

“We’re calling it March Medley because it’s a medley of events,” said Maribeth Kaltz, Successful Aging through Financial Empowerment+ case manager. “We have basically three things going on at the same time. We’re going to have trivia, bingo, and karaoke.”

The event is sponsored by SAFE+, a Health and Human Services grant that aids and educates elderly victims of identity theft, according to Kaltz.

“SAFE + helps people who have been victims of identity theft or fraud,” Kaltz said. “I sit down with people and help them get their identity back, or I have classes that teach them how to stay safe so they don’t become a victim.”

The event will provide educational opportunities for attendees on the dangers of identity theft, according to Marketing and Communications Coordinator Grace Broesamle.

“Trivia will be about different topics, such as state history, and also tips on financial exploitation and what to look out for, and the SAFE+ program in general,” she said.

The event aims to get the elderly surrounded by the community, Broesamle said. 

“Activities like the March Medley are for building socialization to help fight against isolation that could lead to elderly people being financially exploited,” Broesamle said.

Kaltz said the event is also a good opportunity for the community to see the amenities available at the senior center.

“We’re targeting Hillsdale people but we’re also opening it up to showcase our center and let people know what activities and events are available,” she said. “It’s just a state of the art building and we have so many things going on for the whole county and we’re pretty proud of the center.”

Broesamle encouraged the community to come and support the elderly, and also learn about how to be protected from identity theft.

“It’s good to get out into the community and have a good time, get involved and learn more about elderly exploitation,” she said. “Anybody can learn about that stuff, and they all have family members that would benefit from that kind of information.”

While the event is free, those interested can RSVP by calling Perennial Park at 517-437-2422.