Olds Residence hosts Puppies and Pancakes

Olds Residence hosts Puppies and Pancakes


Sophomore Sophia Rome holding puppy Paul at Puppies and Pancakes | Sydney Green

The energy of two puppies and the smell of pancakes filled the Grewcock Student Union on Tuesday evening. 

To raise money for the Humane Society, the women of Olds Residents held its annual “Puppies and Pancakes” event on Valentine’s Day in the Student Union. Students gathered to play with the excited puppies and eat warm pancakes for $3 each, or $5 for both. 

Olds Resident Assistant and sophomore Sophia Rome said this is a cherished event of hers and highly anticipated by the RA team.

“We have been really excited about this all year. It is really fun and is one of my favorite events of the year,” Rome said. “It is a great way show the Olds culture and get the whole campus involved.” 

About 75 to 80 students came, according to Olds’ House Director Rachel Marinko. At the end of the night, Olds raised nearly $300 for the Humane Society, Marinko said. 

Freshman Ella Shaw said she was glad she came. 

“It was really great to be able to step away from studying and have a fun date with the puppies.”

The two puppies brought much laughter and many smiles to students’ faces. 

Freshman Jonathan Williams said he also liked spending his time with puppies. 

“It was such a good way to spend Valentine’s day with friends and supporting charity”Williams said. “It was a great event and I had a great time.”
