Why you should decorate your dorm room

Home Opinion Why you should decorate your dorm room

When I arrived on campus, it was the first time I had complete autonomy over organizing my side of the room, what could go on the walls, and what my style would be. Decorating my dorm room was ultimately the first step in establishing independence from my parents and building community among my fellow residents in the dorm. 

The way people decorate their room says a lot about them. From the battle-hardened minimalists to the frilly fairy light-wielding, picture-plastering sorority girls. A room is a statement of someone’s personality. My room, for instance, has every Alexander Hamilton Society poster in existence neatly stuck onto the concrete walls beside my bed in a desperate attempt to advertise my club to any poor soul who walks through the door. 

A decorated room can also serve as a great way to alleviate homesickness. Part of living at college is creating a home that you want to return to after breaks end.

One way to do so is by waging war against the “demon light,” a.k.a the room’s fluorescent lighting. I always thought the fluorescent lighting gave dorm rooms a cold, uncomfortable atmosphere. My roommate and I agreed that the “demon light” had to go and instead hung up stringed incandescent bulbs that helped give the room a retro-industrial feel. Do what makes you comfortable and make your room a place you will enjoy. 

Designing an appealing vibe for a room is necessary to be more productive as a student and an overall happier person. Of course, I am not saying anything against minimalists, who have my most profound respect for their dedication to making non-decoration an artform. But, at the very least, grabbing a couple of $10 carpets and a cheap chair from Walmart will go a long way in making the room more appealing. 

Of course, that’s not to say that residence halls are not distracting at times. Sporadically during my freshman year, my neighbors across the hall wailed their electric guitars outside my door, screeching its blaring chords into my ears. Often I resorted to escaping this plight by seeking refuge in someone else’s room or leaving the dorm entirely until the coast was clear. Nevertheless, decorated rooms create community in residence halls. Often the most decorated rooms attract an inviting atmosphere where other residents will stop by and visit. I usually keep my door open while I am in the room, and several people will always stop by to say hello on their way to or from classes. Overall, creating a relaxed atmosphere is a great way to meet new people and learn more about your fellow residents. 

Part of the freeing part of decorating a room is it is a chance to really show off personality, and to create a comfortable space to live in. Embrace your dorm room as your space, make the most of the college experience, and participate in the community. Your Alexander Hamilton Society posters might even make you some new friends along the way.