Students attend Reagan Ranch

Home News Students attend Reagan Ranch

This past weekend, freshman Savanna Wierenga and sophomore Arielle Mueller flew out to The Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, Calif., to represent Hillsdale College at the Young Americans for Freedom Conference.

Young Americans for Freedom is a student group that advocates limited government, individual freedom, free enterprise, traditional values, and a strong national defense among other things mentioned in their missions statement.

“There were so many great speakers such as Rob Robison and Peter Scheizer,” Wierenga said, “We both really learned a lot. People were really impressed with Hillsdale when we were there. If we can, we’ll keep that name going when we’re at different conferences. It can help us make great connections and build up our YAF chapter.”

“One of the things I really learned there,” she continued, “was a lot about Reagan’s character. Even though he had a lot of land, his home was incredibly small and humble. He was a very hard worker.”

“If you’re interested in going to a YAF conference at the Reagan Ranch,” said Hillsdale YAF President Nathan Brand, “they’ll have more information coming in April or May. It’s really a great opportunity.”


– Amanda Tindall