Tag: sophomore

Home sophomore
Academic Services hosts sophomore panel offering academic, spiritual, and social advice to freshmen

Academic Services hosts sophomore panel offering academic, spiritual, and social advice to freshmen

Student Director of Academic Services Luke Hollister asked sophomores Robert Brandau, Michaela Estruth, Audrey Hunsbedt, and Josiah Jagoda questions relating to difficulties and joys of freshman year.   “Your spiritual and social and mental health affect your academic success,” Estruth said. “So, have fun. Give yourself a break. Go play volleyball, play soccer, go on a...

Sophomore wins free meal plan at Bon Appetit carnival

Sophomore wins free meal plan at Bon Appetit carnival

Sophomore Benedict Kennedy won a free meal plan for the spring 2022 semester at Bon Appetit’s carnival on the quad on Aug. 26. He secured his prize by earning the most tickets in carnival games.  “It’s a huge financial benefit,” Kennedy said. “As soon as I found out that I had won, I called my...

Sophomores offer advice to freshman

Sophomores offer advice to freshman

Four sophomores, Fernando Bravo, Ginger Anderson, Jack McCoy, and Juliana Undseth, shared their experiences from their freshman year to guide the class of 2025.  “I came to figure things out,” freshman Grace McNeil said. “I was a bit overwhelmed with the new experiences and opportunities and thought this would help put my feet under me.” ...

Advice panel for freshmen

Advice panel for freshmen

Academic Services will host a sophomore panel for freshmen to hear reflections from four sophomores on their own first year experiences at Hillsdale on Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Heritage room of Mossey Library. The panel discussions will include topics such as academics, religion, personal life, and misconceptions about the college itself. Sophomores...

What I wish I knew as a freshman

What I wish I knew as a freshman

Are you scared to walk into the dining hall without first sending a text to your dorm group chat asking, “Hey, where y’all at?!” Are you suffering from pre-class anxiety and under-caffeination? Have you just finished learning how to do your first load of laundry? Well, you may be suffering from “First Semester Freshman Disorder.”...