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Nobody likes green text bubbles

Nobody likes green text bubbles

The color green brings forth mental images of money, lawns, and that one annoying group chat with all the green bubbles.  My friend Thomas Mckenna knows all too well the pains that choosing Android over Apple brings. We both travel to Spikeball tournaments as members of the Hillsdale Roundnet Club, and all our tournament players...

Apple discriminates, Android innovates

Apple discriminates, Android innovates

Apple knows it can’t compete with the flexibility, affordability, and other advantages of Android phones, so instead it makes me a social outcast. The $3 trillion company thinks it can force me to buy an iPhone by encouraging my friends to exclude my Android phone from group chats. I won’t give in — and for...

Androids are better than iPhones

Androids are better than iPhones

Androids are better than iPhones. Courtesy | Trusted Reviews Green text is probably the first thing Apple users think of when they think of Android phones. While having friends with Androids might be annoying for iPhone users, their phone choice should not be cause for your annoyance. In fact, Android phones are more secure, innovative,...

iPhones are better than Androids

iPhones are better than Androids

iPhones are best. Courtesy | Pixabay Blue bubbles vs. green bubbles. iPhones vs. Androids. In a world where smartphones rule communication, it’s important to carry a well-built machine in your pocket. For years, iPhones were the most reliable and long-lasting choice, but now, they are the clear front-runner in the smartphone world. Even Android users...