Author: Allison Schuster (Allison Schuster)

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Q&A: Betsy Hart

Q&A: Betsy Hart

Betsy Hart is a senior writer at The Heritage Foundation. She is a syndicated columnist who has appeared on Fox News. Hart was a former press aide in the Reagan White House. Hart gave a lecture on Tuesday titled “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World: How to Stay Sane in a Time of Atheism,...

Former Reagan staffer speaks on preserving conservative values

Former Reagan staffer speaks on preserving conservative values

Journalist Betsy Hart was 13 years old when Ronald Reagan lost the Republican presidential nomination. “I actually laid on the living room sofa and cried,” Hart said. Hart, senior development writer for The Heritage Foundation and former syndicated columnist and Reagan White House press aid, delivered her speech “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World:...

20 signs you’re a real Hillsdale student

20 signs you’re a real Hillsdale student

  Aside from being admitted, paying tuition, and taking classes at Hillsdale College, there are certain qualifications that make one a tried and true Hillsdalian. Only a real Hillsdale student has experienced the following. You’ve face-planted on the ridiculously uneven sidewalk of Manning. You’ve been caught checking yourself in the extensive Heritage Room window. You...

A ‘student-facing’ ministry: Chaplain Rick moves office to Union

A ‘student-facing’ ministry: Chaplain Rick moves office to Union

Hillsdale College Chaplain Adam Rick moved to a new office space due to renovations in the Knorr Student Center and the need to be closer to students. Rick’s office has been relocated to the former conference room behind AJ’s Cafe in the Grewcock Student Union after his previous office, located in Knorr across from the...

Sunnycrest: college president’s house turned ATO residence

Sunnycrest: college president’s house turned ATO residence

Although fraternity houses and presidential residences typically don’t have much in common, Sunnycrest is an exception. Currently home to the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, Sunnycrest was formerly the residence of College President Joseph Mauck in the early 20th century. When 1875 Hillsdale alumnus Joseph Mauck returned to the college to serve as president in 1903,...