Professors’ Picks: Anna Vincenzi, assistant professor of Modern European History

Professors’ Picks: Anna Vincenzi, assistant professor of Modern European History

Favorite song?

“Murder in the City” (2009) and “February Seven” (2012) by The Avett Brothers

I confess that I am musically quite ignorant, but while I make dinner I often end up listening to The Avett Brothers. Many of their songs are stories, and very personal and sincere ones. “Murder in the City” and “February Seven” are probably my favorites.

Favorite book?

“The End of the Affair” (1951) by Graham Greene

It’s essentially a story about how the depth of human desires can become the path for man’s encounter with God. Very much on the same theme, I’ve also recently finished “Brideshead Revisited” and loved it.  

Favorite movie? 

Joyeaux Noel (2005) dir. Christian Carion

As a teenager, I pretty much learned English by watching and re-watching “Notting Hill” — such a good romantic comedy. But I’d now say that an even better movie is “Joyeaux Noel”a movie about rediscovering the humanity of a political enemy, in the midst of dehumanizing propaganda.

