More than a score: class of ’27 brings fresh artistic interests

More than a score: class of ’27 brings fresh artistic interests

The Holy Trinity of orientation questions seems to be “What’s your major? Where are you from? How did you hear about Hillsdale?,” and every member of Hillsdale’s class of 2027 will have to answer them at least a couple times. 

But more than just the sum of its offered majors, expansive geographic pull, or its most effective marketing strategies, many freshmen are already excited about the art, music, and conversation that makes Hillsdale what it is. 

“Thinking I can make an artistic impact at Hillsdale seems a little naive, but I intend to jump in regardless,” freshman Aryn Tomasetti said. “Art and writing have been hobbies close at hand whenever free time comes my way, and if I can do something with those, I will.” 

Some students have gathered their perspective on Hillsdale arts and culture through various visits to campus over the year, dreaming of ways to get involved because of the artistic contributions of students past and present. 

“When I visited Hillsdale last year, I was really inspired by the art styles I saw. I think there is a lot of value in traditional pieces because they are the bedrock of the artistic world,” freshman Mikayla Casa said. “However, I like to expand those limits and find beauty in more contemporary pieces as well. I love finding new and unique ways to express myself and reflect the world around me.” 

Music is a widely and excitedly anticipated art form among freshmen.

“In various visits to campus made over the years, I’ve always been struck by the beauty in any musical performance I’ve attended whether it be Little Big Band concerts, the Chamber Choir, or other groups,” freshman Audrey Powell said. “Each time, I’m stuck with a sensation of wonder and awe at the talent and dedication present.”

Student-directed endeavors, such as student bands and Student Activity Board events, also sparked the interest of the newest class.

“I am so excited for the host of musical talent present at Hillsdale,” freshman Devin Houts said. “This semester I’m most excited to see Hillsdale bands like Diet of Worms play – which may have something to do with the fact my sister is in the band – at Welcome Party, as well as any other student bands that showcase themselves.”

Many freshmen from high school theater backgrounds said the upcoming season of performances encouraged them to continue their theatrical pursuits. 

“I am most excited to experience theater at Hillsdale, especially since I’ve heard about what productions will be performed this next year,” Tomasetti said. “I’ve done theater since seventh grade, both backstage and onstage. I’m generally excited for all of the artistic opportunities to serve and create because making beautiful things for the glory of God is one of our highest callings and definitely one of my favorites.” 

Some prospective patrons attended shows in past semesters that inspired them to stay interested. 

“I am looking forward to seeing performances by the theater department,” freshman Nicholas Heide said. “I saw ‘Our Town’ when I visited campus and found it to be very impactful and moving.”

The influence goes both ways, with the incoming class offering a wide range of musical interest from Taylor Swift to The Arcadian Wild to Billie Holiday. 

“I attended the Taylor Swift Eras Tour in Los Angeles, and it was incredible,” freshman Lillian Ferrell said. “I’ve always been a huge Taylor Swift fan since I was little, and her set list brought me full circle as she revisited tracks that I remember singing back at her ‘Red’ tour when I was 8 years old.”

Many of Hillsdale’s incoming live music lovers are willing to make the trek to Detroit but need like-minded peers to join them. Hozier, Noah Kahan, and the Arctic Monkeys are popular bands that will stop in Detroit throughout the semester. 

“I did make it to a Foo Fighters concert this summer and was able to meet them because a friend of mine knows them personally,” Casa said. “As for a concert I do want to see, Playboi Carti’s entire Label is going on the ‘Antagonist’ tour and will be playing in Detroit this October. I want to go but I haven’t met anyone at Hillsdale yet and I have a feeling it will be hard to find someone who listens to new Carti as well as the four others he signed.”

Much of the new freshman class is simply excited about a new start and a new way of thinking about the things they already know and love. 

“Coming in as a freshman, I want to surround myself with good influences in the college community, academics, and the arts,” freshman Cate McCartney said. “I’m excited to get involved in the performing arts at Hillsdale, particularly dance. I know a school like Hillsdale will encourage the production of art that points to a higher purpose and meaning.”