ArtWorks plans to showcase local artists

ArtWorks plans to showcase local artists

“Life Drawing” gives participants the opportunity to paint from a live model. Courtesy | Facebook

ArtWorks of Hillsdale is planning “An Afternoon of the Arts” with an art exhibit and live performances on April 30.

“Our goal is to bring to the Hillsdale community an afternoon of the arts under one roof in three hours,” said ArtWorks President Connie Sexton.

The group will hold the event at the Dawn Theater from 12-3 p.m. this Sunday.

“We want the public to enjoy an art exhibit featuring artwork by local artists and photographers, watch live performances with local singers, dancers, and musicians, and experience watching artists conduct a ‘Life Drawing’ session with a live model,” Sexton said.

According to a Facebook post, performances will include pieces done by cellist Timothy Gaebler, a dance performed by Ariel Brandon, and the first act of the play “Murder on the Orient Express.”

Sexton said she came up with the idea for the event and led a committee organizing it, while they searched for and invited the performers.

According to Sexton, admission is free, and some artwork will be available for purchase.

ArtWorks is a nonprofit founded in the early 1990s to promote arts and culture in the community, aiming to improve local quality of life and economic activity, according to the group’s website.

“We want the public to know the arts are alive in Hillsdale County,” Sexton said.
