Letter to the Editor: oppressive regimes perform the best choral music

Letter to the Editor: oppressive regimes perform the best choral music

Oppressive regimes have nice choral music. Courtesy | Wikimedia Commons

Dear Editor,

I couldn’t help but be struck by the irony that some of the world’s best choirs come from countries that are commonly perceived as being tone-deaf when it comes to individual rights and freedoms. Yes, I’m talking about those communist countries, where the collective is king and the government calls the tune.

But despite the oppressive regime, or perhaps because of it, these countries seem to have produced some of the most impressive and awe-inspiring choirs around. From the Red Army Choir of Russia to the Korean People’s Army State Merited Chorus and Symphony Orchestra of North Korea, they have captured the hearts and imaginations of audiences worldwide, even if their governments haven’t.

So what makes these communist countries so good at choral music? Well, some might say it’s because they invest heavily in music education. In countries like Cuba and China, for example, children are taught music as part of their standard curriculum. Perhaps it’s because they believe in the collective effort, and choirs are the perfect embodiment of that idea. Or maybe it’s simply because they have a rich cultural history that values choral singing.

On the other hand, maybe it’s because in capitalist countries, the only music education children receive is being told to “download the latest hits from Spotify.” Or maybe it’s because in capitalist societies, the only collective effort people seem to care about is the bottom line.

Some might even say that communist choirs have struck a chord with the masses. Others might argue that their harmonious sounds are the perfect antidote to the dissonance of capitalist societies.

In any case, it’s hard to deny the quality of these communist choirs. And while we may not agree with their politics, we can at least appreciate their music. In fact, we might even say that they are a shining example of how, sometimes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

So the next time someone asks you why communist countries have the best choirs, just tell them it’s because they don’t have to worry about copyright infringement or paying royalties. Or better yet, just smile, nod, and enjoy the music.
