QUICK HITS: James Webb

QUICK HITS: James Webb

In this quick hits interview, Associate Professor of Accounting James Webb talks AC/DC, film noir, and advice for people who hate math. Webb joined the Hillsdale College faculty after teaching accounting and business at University of California-Berkeley.

If you had to have one song playing in the back of your head forever, what would it be?

ACDC’s “Standard Struck.”

Would you rather travel in space or time?


If you could insert yourself into any movie or book, which one would you pick?

I’d be the Count of Monte Cristo. He has this traumatic event in his younger life, goes through a challenge, ends up in a wonderful place, rich with a good woman, and is restored through the journey. That’s really cool.

What’s a piece of advice that changed your life?

You need to decide whether you want to rule the world or have your summers off. 

If you became monarch of the US, what’s the first law you would pass?

A law that there would be no future monarchs.

What were some of the changes that you noticed between Berkeley and Hillsdale?

Ideological differences, obviously. Significantly less crime. I used to get an email once a day about a burglary or assault or something. Students are happier and well-adjusted. They’re more respectful. That’s a good mix – so all positive things.

If you could have a useless superpower, what would it be?

Well, I’m gonna have to ponder that a bit. I think I would have casual conversations with the deer on my property. 

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at Hillsdale so far?

I was really thankful to be a part of the freshman convocation. That was a really cool event to be a partner in something where we have such a valuable mission. That’s one of the first things that you do as a new faculty is kind of participate in that and just go see these 18-year-olds that roll in – they don’t know anything –  and turn them into seniors.

What’s the worst book you’ve ever read?

“48 Laws of Power.” Usually, if I have a bad book I toss it out.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a basketball coach until I was a junior in high school. And then I took my first accounting class and I said, this is awesome. And from that point forward since I was 16, I wanted to be in accounting. 

What’s awesome about accounting?

Basically, bringing order to decision-making about life and business is pretty cool. It’s a structured way to bring order out of chaos in the world. So if you’re a person who likes putting puzzles together, then usually that jives pretty well with you.

What genre of movies would you eliminate from media? 

Maybe obscure science fiction that is not even close to possible. Or film noir – I don’t like that either. 

What’s your advice for people who hate math?

Give it a try. But if it’s not your thing, there are other things you can do.