Queen keeps you company

Queen keeps you company

In the age of unoriginal and banal music, Queen’s newest single, “Face It Alone,” pulls listeners back into the golden era of classic rock. 

“Face It Alone” is actually 34 years old. The song sat unreleased, having been first recorded in 1988. There are suspected to be other unreleased songs out there with lead singer Freddie Mercury’s voice, but who knows when those will be available to listening ears.

Not only is it Queen’s first original release since 2014, but it is also the latest to feature Mercury’s voice. Since his death in November 1991, many songs have been released with his vocals. Hearing a new Queen track with the unmistakable tenor of Mercury brought me the fuzziest of feelings — sending me back to my childhood in a fresh way. 

Having parents who are self-proclaimed rock enthusiasts, I grew up listening to tracks from Queen, Journey, The Rolling Stones, and others. “Face It Alone” takes its rightful place within Queen’s discography, fitting in perfectly with the quality and aesthetic of their other work.

Although the song’s lyrics are pretty somber, its beautiful sadness resonated with me. The idea of taking on the world alone can be daunting, especially as a college student. It’s easy to imagine my whole life ahead of me and grow nervous about the unknown.

The future can seem daunting, but the lyrics “Your life is your own / You’re in charge of yourself” are comforting. I have control over my actions and can determine my choices moving forward. So while facing life alone might seem like an intimidating task, I can take comfort in knowing that I control my decisions.

In today’s age of music that sees similar words put to similar sounds, I often find myself listening to older music and appreciating its originality. “Face It Alone” doesn’t bite the dust; it’s a breath of fresh air amongst today’s newer releases, providing beautiful melodies that bring tingles to your ears—as all the good Queen songs do.
