A Few Good Men expands, applies to be nonprofit

Home News A Few Good Men expands, applies to be nonprofit
Sophomores Sarah Reinsel and Lillian Wright on an A Few Good Men mission, raking leaves during the fall. (Courtesy of Meg Prom)
Sophomores Sarah Reinsel and Lillian Wright on an A Few Good Men mission, raking leaves during the fall. (Courtesy of Meg Prom)

A Few Good Men are now profiling each of their good men or women.

Up to two times a week, A Few Good Men will release a short spotlight with a picture, brief quote, and information about where the student is volunteering and why.

Junior Meg Prom, head of the communications department in A Few Good Men, and her fellow directors discussed different ways to engage the college community using social media. Then, the idea for “Humans of a Few Good Men” emerged.

“We came up with the idea at an executive meeting a couple weeks ago in response to a centralization on our vision,” Prom said.

The profiling will be a way to draw the rest of the college campus into the volunteer work of A Few Good Men.

“This profiling will be a way to put a human face to what we’re doing. It’s a way to see what we’re up to in a personal way,” A Few Good Men President Jacob Thackston said.

These profiles will not only benefit students around campus, but will also be a way to connect members of A Few Good Men.

“Jacob had mentioned that our members needed some sort of refocus on the impact we have in the community and how the tendency is to just volunteer and forget,” Prom said. “So I thought of doing a ‘Humans of New York’ profile on members of A Few Good Men for our existing members to see who they’re working with and gain a better sense of how we are all one team.”

The profiles of the different students will be posted on the A Few Good Men Facebook page, where all students will have access to it. According to Thackston, the page currently has 350 likes, and A Few Good Men is seeking to expand the page even more — possibly now through “Humans of a Few Good Men.” Eventually, spotlights may also be posted in a newsletter.

On top of this new addition, A Few Good Men is working on strengthening their CORD — that is, Community Outreach Reaching the Defenseless. They plan on doing this by revitalizing their Church Ambassadors’ program.

“We’re seeking people to be essentially a direct link between A Few Good Men and the churches,” Thackston said. “By becoming further and further integrated into our church communities, we will be able to find both people who could use CORD and people who could serve in CORD.”

A Few Good Men is also working to file as an official non-profit organization. Ben Holscher `14, founder of A Few Good Men, is responsible for the beginning of this process.

“As of now, we have all of the pieces in place to become a 501c(3). We have a functioning board of directors, a set of by-laws, and Michigan corporation status,” Thackston said.

Holscher has also partnered with a lawyer, who offered his services free of charge. The plan is to have the lawyer organize the paperwork to turn in to the IRS by the end of the month.