Tag: Winter Break

Home Winter Break
Passages cancels trip amid war in Israel

Passages cancels trip amid war in Israel

Amid escalating conflict in Israel, Passages canceled a student trip to Israel late last week. Don Westblade, assistant professor of religion and organizer of the trip, which was scheduled for Dec. 28 to Jan. 7, said he supported the decision. “It is also understandably necessary, with the trip date drawing near so rapidly, that the...

College offers small business course over winter break

College offers small business course over winter break

Hillsdale College is holding a seminar over winter break, “How to Start and Manage a Small Business.” The three-credit course includes sections on finance, marketing, management, human resources, and business and tax law. The seminar runs from Dec. 17 to 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day, providing two meals and several breaks...