Tag: Heritage Foundation

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Invite Ed Feulner to speak at commencement

Invite Ed Feulner to speak at commencement

When Ed Feulner wrote his final Washington Times column in June, he told his readers never to rest in the pursuit of great things. “We can’t afford to become complacent,” he wrote. “Your opponents will try again, and if you’re not careful, you’ll wind up back where you started.” Ed Feulner should speak at Hillsdale...

Former Reagan staffer speaks on preserving conservative values

Former Reagan staffer speaks on preserving conservative values

Journalist Betsy Hart was 13 years old when Ronald Reagan lost the Republican presidential nomination. “I actually laid on the living room sofa and cried,” Hart said. Hart, senior development writer for The Heritage Foundation and former syndicated columnist and Reagan White House press aid, delivered her speech “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World:...