Month: January 2015

Home 2015 January

New exercise equipment for women’s dorms

The exercise equipment removed from women’s residence halls Jan. 15 will be replaced with new machines in the coming months. The college decided not to renew its four-year lease with supplier All Pro Fitness when it ended at the beginning of January, choosing instead to add to its existing contract with Fitness Things, the current...


Campus Security makes cuts

This semester, the Hillsdale College Campus Security Department reduced its payroll from 70 people to just fewer than 50. The reduction in aid security members allowed for the department to cut its expenses by 13 percent. Director of Security and Emergency Management Bill Whorley said despite the cut, the quality of campus security coverage remains...


Polar vortex drives salt prices up for winter season

Last winter’s “polar vortex” drove this season’s salt prices up due to the skyrocketing demand. Effects have been felt throughout Michigan, and the city and college of Hillsdale are no exception. Last year, the college bought 50 tons of salt for $3,100. This fall, the price jumped to almost $7,600 for the same amount. Towards...


Every leaves BAMCO

During Christmas break, Jeff Every left Bon Appétit Management Company, ending his job as Hillsdale’s general manager of Bon Appétit. Until a full-time replacement for Every can be found, Christopher Gumm will serve as Hillsdale’s interim general manager. Gumm said the next permanent general manager will be hired before the end of February. “The students...


Green awarded ODK Leader of the Month

The Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honorary nominated senior Caroline Green to be leader of the month, thanks to her academic achievement, superior leadership skills, and exceptional character. “The ODK Leader of the Month award exists to recognize and encourage leaders who make an enormous impact on campus but sometimes fly under the radar,” ODK President...