Month: December 2014

Home 2014 December

Practice tough friendship

Recently, a friend came to me pretty stoked about a decision she had made. After eagerly presenting all the details, she asked what I thought, likely expecting affirmation. I probed a bit and proceeded to offer a few considerations had I been in her place. She was pulled up short and told me that, among...


The benefits of a WHIP education

WHIP… Ugh. There was not a lot of virtus tentamine gaudet going on as I packed my bags to fly to Washington D.C. for the semester. Spending a semester in D.C. had seemed like a great idea my freshman year. In fact, when I was an ambitious, career-minded high school senior trying to figure out...


Ferguson: Due process, undue criticism

The events in Ferguson during the past week regarding the killing of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson are a perfect example of the best and worst manifestations of government by the people. On the one hand there was the grand jury, made up of 12 citizens appointed by law, considering nearly 4,500 pages of...


Classical and pop music, a look at popularity

Taylor Swift currently holds the number one hit on iTunes with her recent development “Blank Space.” Despite the simple chord progression and cliche theme, even her most adamant haters may find themselves humming the refrain peacefully before they realize what they are doing. As Taylor Swift grosses thousands of dollars on her recent hit, Hillsdale...


Christmas at the Will Carleton Poorhouse

“Swags of green boughs hang above the windows and interior doorways, while greens adorn the window sills. Milkweed pod stars hang in the windows. Two trees, one in the Paupers’ Parlor and one in the upstairs ladies’ bedroom, are hung with homemade ornaments.” JoAnne Miller of the Hillsdale County Historical Society described the warm scene...