Author: Ryan Young (Ryan Young)

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Elites care about control, not your health

Former President Ronald Reagan famously said that the nine scariest words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Today, we know he was right. Over the last year, our government has conditioned the American people to surrender their freedom and moral convictions under the guise of public health...

Mother and child during the COVID-19 pandemic. | Wikimedia Commons

Don’t succumb to the mask mania

Today marks day 199 of the “15 days to slow the spread” effort announced March 16. From stringent lockdowns to arbitrary executive orders by governors across the nation, our communities have been crippled by the media’s quest to follow the “science” for six months. Science, we were told, requires that each and every one of...

The Schiff charade continues

The Schiff charade continues

The fear of President Donald Trump’s re-election is too much for the Democrats to handle. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and his party are clinging to their last-ditch effort with this impeachment hearing, despite any direct evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor. Schiff’s star witnesses proved to have no firsthand knowledge of collusion, and instead...

Impeachment proceedings could boost Trump’s 2020 re-election bid

Impeachment proceedings could boost Trump’s 2020 re-election bid

The impeachment inquiry into President Trump is an attack on the office of the president and the constitutional fabric of our country. The Left is at it again. After spending multiple years and millions of taxpayer dollars to investigate Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia, the Left was bruised and confused by the harsh reality that...