Author: Andy Reuss (Andy Reuss)

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An ode to the breakfast burrito

The Palace Café is a hidden gem of the Hillsdale community. Quietly tucked in the downtown cornucopia of shops and restaurants, the Palace is known best for its delicious breakfast foods and college-friendly weekend hours. Yet few are aware of its crowning glory, the as-of-yet unsung hero that should be recognized throughout the entirety of...


‘American Sniper’ and killing the other

Racism and violence comprise the majority of “American Sniper,” Clint Eastwood’s box-office hit. And that is exactly what we as college students, Americans, and even human beings, need to see. Chris Kyle (portrayed by Bradley Cooper), the famed subject of “American Sniper,” spent considerable time on-screen speaking of and justifying his many kills. His comrades...


The lessons of war in film

“‘Racism and violence comprise the majority of ‘American Sniper,’ Clint Eastwood’s box-office hit,’ declared Andy Reuss last week (“‘American Sniper’ and killing the other,” Jan. 29). This is a painfully shallow assessment,” wrote Michael Aavang, in last week’s response to my film critique. I couldn’t agree more. Which is exactly why I wrote the 764...


Our education is a gift we must give to others

The two of us — Andy Reuss and Matt O’Sullivan — have spent the last three-and-a-half years attempting to justify our education here, and this is what we’ve come up with: We’ll be better suited for graduate school; companies will find our liberal arts background appealing; our education is good in and of itself, forming...


The gift of giving back

It is only the love of others, not our own merit or worth, that allows us to live and learn here at Hillsdale for four years. Please understand that I do not intend to demean the hard work that many students put in to pay for this education. Working for a paycheck that you will...