The Weekly: Election integrity is essential

Home Opinion The Weekly: Election integrity is essential
The Weekly: Election integrity is essential
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Millions of Americans voted on Tuesday and we still don’t know who won the presidential election. In one of the most contested elections America has seen, with accusations of fraud in Michigan and around the country, it’s as good a time as any to remember why America was founded as a democratic republic, not a democracy.

The American founders understood that pure democracy leads to a tyranny of the majority. When 51% of citizens get to decide how the other 49% will be represented, the minority has no true freedom. The founders created a mixed regime, splitting the legislative branch into the Senate and the House of Representatives, to include components of both democracy and republicanism to mitigate against tyranny.

We see the effects of pure democracy in places like Venezuela: contested elections, constant political turmoil, two different candidates both declaring victory, and violence in the streets. 

Protesters clashed outside of the White House and in other cities throughout election night and Wednesday morning, USA Today reported. Dozens marched through Los Angeles, crowds of 200 or more came out in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Portland, Oregon. More than a dozen were arrested in Minnesota. 

Maintaining election integrity is paramount to maintaining our freedom. America needs to be reminded of her roots in republicanism. Whatever the results of this election, we should not sacrifice freedom on the altar of democracy.