Ad Liberty performs first show of semester

Home Culture Ad Liberty performs first show of semester
Ad Liberty performs first show of semester


AdLiberty Improv held their first show of the semester last Thursday, Feb. 20, in Conrad Recital Hall. Stefan Kleinhenz | Collegian

 AdLiberty Improv’s preparation and high energy allowed for a successful first show of the semester, according to Jake McKie, the club’s president.

The improv group held their first show of the semester last Thursday, Feb. 20, in Conrad Recital Hall.

 “We just felt like we were ready for the show. Even a lot of the new stuff we were trying was clicking,” McKie said. “I think a lot of the scenes all around were really strong and really fun to watch, with consistent laughs,” he said. 

The show featured a series of several improv games acted out by different members of the group. Among some of the games performed were five things, new choice, swinging pendulum of death, four square, good bad and worst advice, and scenes from a hat.  

Actor Tom Southwell commented on a particularly funny moment from the show. “We had a lot of fun, unexpected stuff, like a walnut falling from the ceiling in the middle of the scene,” he said, referring to how he incorporated the walnut into his performance as a theater-ghost in that particular scene. 

McKie said that they frequently work to keep the scene going under any circumstance, which is called justification. “No matter what happens, theoretically we can make it make sense in the scene”, he explained. “We’re always trying to help each other up and work everything we can into the scene.”

McKie added that while AdLiberty Improv is looking to increase in size, their small group is still able to work together well.

“We’ve been a rather small group this year but we’re working on getting our numbers up,” he said. “The chemistry between the people we have is really fantastic.”

The members of AdLiberty Improv encourage new members to attend practices. Practices geared toward new members looking to hone their improv skills are held on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. in Room 135 in the Fine Arts Building.