Hillsdale City road repairs incomplete by winter

Home City News Hillsdale City road repairs incomplete by winter
Hillsdale City road repairs incomplete by winter
Poor road conditions in Hillsdale. Katherine Scheu | Collegian

Ravaged by potholes, cracks, and bumps, streets in Hillsdale are notorious for being in a constant state of disrepair.

The Hillsdale City Council has discussed many times whether and when the roads would be repaired and repaved.

Jake Hammel, director of the Hillsdale Department of Public Services, said at the Oct. 15 council meeting that he was hopeful for the completion of the project before mid-November.

“Our backs are against the wall with mother nature,” Hammel said at the meeting. “We need ground temperatures of 50 degrees and rising to be able to pave and it is looking good until then.”

A month later, during the Nov. 19 council meeting, the topic of the roads — unfinished by the target date of Nov. 15 — returned to the discussion.

“I understand everyone’s frustration,” Hammel said at the Nov. 19 meeting. “I drive these roads every day and I know it’s not cutting it for us. We will continue to work daily to be as ready as possible for spring. We are anticipating asphalt by the beginning of May.”

Councilman Will Morrisey of Ward 2 blamed the delays, in part, on the city taking on more responsibility than they could handle.

“If we ever have the chance to do two projects again,” Morrissey said. “It would be good if we could structure the grants in such a way so that we can have two seperate contractors working simultaneously. People would see progress every week and it would be much more satisfying to everyone.”

Ward 3 Councilman Bruce Sharp recommended that the DPS send letters to residents on Rippon Street and other affected areas outlining when the roads would be done rather than making them wait and watch.

“I’m about to face my seventh water-boil warning and I don’t even live on that street,” Sharp said. “The people are frustrated. There are people who can’t even get into their driveways. They deserve an apology.”