Seven essential apps for students

Home Study Break Seven essential apps for students
Seven essential apps for students

For the busy student, mobile applications that organize every aspect of college can be lifesavers. Here are 7 free apps that can help relieve stress and keep students sane by tracking campus events, budgets, sleep schedules, notes, and homework.

Ellucian GO

Ellucian GO is a very helpful app for managing life at Hillsdale. It connects students to campus events and keeps track of personal class schedules, grades, and the Bon Appetit menu. Ellucian GO also has campus emergency numbers, library hours, and a schedule of the student event calendar. It connects students to clubs, intramurals, volunteer opportunities, Blackboard, and Mossey library. This app is the best campus connector.


It’s important to spend your scarce money well while in college. Goodbudget is an app that helps you organize and track your spending and finances. It is an extremely useful tool for broke college students. Goodbudget allows you to set up monthly envelopes to dictate how much money to spend on groceries, gas, entertainment, and more. It is one of the best apps for college students who want to map out their finances and spend their money wisely.


Homework and papers seem to be constant requirements, and it’s important to know what to communicate and how to organize your thoughts. SimpleMind+ is an idea organizer and a must-have app for students. It allows students to sort their thoughts and remember and write down ideas they have, especially for papers and speeches. Students can start with a main idea and then map out branching thoughts from that original concept.


At Hillsdale, every new day is a new due date for a paper or assignment. myHomework is a useful app for students who want to manage their planners and assignment lists electronically. myHomework allows you to set due dates and reminders for assignments. Once you have finished the task, you can cross it off, which is extremely satisfying.

Habit Hub

College is the best time to form habits and try to live a healthy life. Habit Hub can help you schedule and form good practices. Habit Hub is similar to myHomework, but it is oriented towards other events besides assignments. The app can be used for scheduling workouts, meal times, and any other activity that you want to regulate and do consistently.

Dragon Dictation

Students frequently send emails to professors and texts to their friends. Dragon Dictation is a very helpful tool that allows you to dictate whatever you want and then send the text in an email, message, or note. This is an easy way to save yourself the time of typing a message or email, and it is more accurate than other dictation tools.

Sleep Cycle

It’s important to sleep well so that you can get work done (and stay awake in class). Sleep Cycle is an app that tracks sleeping habits by activating your phone’s microphone at night and listening to your movements. From there, it judges when you fall asleep and wake up and how deeply you sleep. This can help students keep track of their sleep schedule and see when they need more sleep.