The 3-Minute Interview: Larry McCray

Home City News The 3-Minute Interview: Larry McCray

Having entertained audiences since the age of 9, Larry McCray sports a self-depicted “contemporary blues” style, baritone vocal range, and guitar prowess. He will be appearing in Hillsdale at the Dawn Theater on Jan. 26 for a live performance. Doors open at 7:00 p.m., and tickets are $20 at the door.


From where do you draw inspiration for your lyrics?


From life. I listen to a lot of genres: country western, rock, rap, gospel, and jazz. It can be important for artists to try to see how other people get their stories told. I try to assimilate what others say by putting ideas in my own terms, but it is good to pay attention to what others do, think, and how they find success. That way I can draw on others for inspiration, and they can do the same with my success.


What is your perspective on illegal music downloads?


I do not believe it can ever be stopped. As an artist, I have to find some way to make that system work partially to my own advantage. Believe me, it is easier said than done because free music is available to anyone who wants it. At the same time, if you work hard enough and people feel a connection with your music, then they will have a tendency to want to support those they have a passion for. That’s what I rely on — putting on an honest, intense show for people who appreciate the genre of music to come out and enjoy.


What is your vision for the future of blues in modern American culture?


My hope is for blues to break the ethnic barriers of music because there is a lot of segregation in terms of success. It is easier for certain people to find success based on cosmetics or style rather than being delegated by performance. I believe it has too much to do with how people receive and perceive you. For example, the majority of white blues artists have a hard time getting bookings in Chicago clubs because it is an underground band taboo. People don’t give each other a chance sometimes for the wrong reasons so there is a lot of work to be done. My hope is that America will start judging artists according to what they sound like on record rather than popularity or preconceptions. Take off the chains, and let the music speak for itself.


    -Compiled by Jordan Finney